Madrid, February 14, 2013.- The fourth edition of Salón MiEmpresa, held on 12-13 February of 2013 at Palacio de los Deportes in Madrid, was marked by a strong presence of COFIDES. COFIDES CEO, Luis de Fuentes, Strategy and Business Development deputy director, Fernando Aceña and Strategy and Business Development manager of the Commercial and Business Development, Nuria Calleja, participated as speakers in various panel discussions and presentations the event, designed to meet the concerns and expectations about business issues in the field of SMEs and microenterprises.

COFIDES CEO, Luis Fuentes, participated in a roundtable on “La Marca España: ¿Qué papel juega la internacionalización de las PYMES españolas?” This also included ICEX Cooperation and Coordination Services CEO, Elisa Garcia Grande, CESCE Country Risk and Debt Management director, Ricardo Santamaría, and International Business Coordinator of Banco Sabadell, Mabel Santaella.

In this roundtable, which was televised on Channel 24 Hours of TVE during the first day of the event, highlighted the importance of the brand Spain internationalization of Spanish SMEs. Participants agreed that going abroad is giving positive data in our economy, and that is not only big business task. In his speech, the CEO of COFIDES, Luis Fuentes, noted that "the internationalization must be a deliberate and strategic decision for those companies have the advice and financial backing of COFIDES". Following the discussion, the speakers answered questions from entrepreneurs who were interested in how to identify its products under the umbrella Marca España or the risks posed some Asian and American to internationalize its business.

The Deputy Director of Commercial and Business Development COFIDES, Fernando Aceña, presented in the laboratory of the major keys Practice COFIDES and products used to finance investment projects abroad. Attendees were able to hear first hand your activity COFIDES and its major success stories.

During the second day of the MyCompany Lounge Area Manager Sales and Business Development COFIDES, Nuria Calleja said COFIDES products to entrepreneurs in the Hall of internationalization. Nuria Calleja also told success stories entrepreneur’s attendees, allowing them to see practical examples of the activity of the company. Finally, there was a question time in which the participants expressed their interest in various topics with the necessary documentation to be met to present their project or the securities to be offered.

COFIDES representatives were very pleased to have been part of the event and to have been able to bring the company´s business to over 2000 entrepreneurs attending both days Salón MiEmpresa.

In addition, the president of COFIDES, Salvador Marín, spoke on "First Time" Gestiona Radio, which aired on 12 February from the Hall MyCompany. Marin shared space with the director of Country Risk and Debt Management Cesce, Ricardo Santamaría, the CEO of ICEX Business Services, Isaac Barber, and the founder of Vitalia, Catherine Hoffman, with whom he discussed the situation of the markets, funding for internationalization and the benefits of going abroad.


COFIDES had an information stand at Salon MiEmpresa where sales agents met the businessmen who came to ask for information. He approached the reality of the company to them showing case studies.

COFIDES is a combined private-public concern, which for the past 25 years has provided financial support to Spanish enterprises abroad. COFIDES administrates FIEX and FONPYME funds, dependent of the State Secretariat of Commerce, within the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The stockholders also include the participation of Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Banco Santander and Banco Sabadell.