COFIDES has implemented internal rules for contracting suppliers, which are set out to define, with objective criteria the employed system and levels of responsibility in the procurement of goods, services and works, that affect the quality of their services. Those standards ensure the application of the principles related to advertising, concurrency, transparency, confidentiality, equality and non-discriminatory, and that the contract is awarded to the supplier submitting the most economically favourable bid.

Contracting bodyPresidencia de la Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo, COFIDES, S.A., S.M.E.


Any other information about the COFIDES contractor profile and supplier contracts is available on the Public Sector Contracting Platform. You can also consult their bids and awards through the Public Sector Contracting Platform.

The COFIDES award types are listed below:

Most common types of COFIDES contracts
Financial and tax advice and consultancy, environmental assessment and appraisals for projects. Strategic consulting and audits.
Advice, consultancy and legal representation on any branch of law. Notaries, solicitors...
Insurance companies (professional liability, D&A, political risk, life, medical, collective accident insurance...).
Providers of hardware and software for technological services, computer programming, data processing, posting, cloud computing, telecommunications, repair of computers and computer equipment, rental of computer equipment, industrial equipment.
Advertising agencies for the design of media campaigns (creativity and hiring of media spaces), publications (graphic design, printing...), hosting service and website management.
Talent management services companies (recruitment, labour management, training, medical insurance). Occupational risk prevention and health surveillance.
General Services (office supplies, courier services, travel agency, translation services).


COFIDES is subject to Public Sector procurement regulations, and its requirements are set out in the COFIDES Internal Instructions for Contracting (ES).