On 17th June 2008, COFIDES signed a Framework Partnership Agreement with six Central American Chambers of Commerce. In order to implement this Agreement, a COFIDES’s trade mission was organised to visit Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Panama. The trade mission was made up of Remedios Romeo (COFIDES Chairwoman), Fernando Aceña (Strategy and Business Development Director) and Abelardo de la Torre (Mexico Office).

Not only did the mission include a comprehensive programme of seminars where COFIDES was introduced to nearly 100 local companies, but also a network with companies developing local investment projects, local institutions and public and private finance institutions.

The trade mission enabled both Chambers of Commerce and companies to develop deep knowledge of the financial support provided by COFIDES, FIEX and FONPYME. Simoultaneously, COFIDES improved its background knowledge of every visited country in order to provide financial support to investment projects involving some manner of Spanish interest.