Renewable Energy Program for Sub-Saharan Africa | RfP FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Accreditation requirements.

AECID and COFIDES are the pillar-assessed (accredited) entities to the EU. In relation to this PIP, any entity meeting the eligibility criteria can submit proposals without any further accreditation. 

  • French translation of the Request for Proposals (RfP).

A French version of the Request for Proposals is available on our website. Proposals can be summited in English, Spanish or French language. 

  • Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Yes, CSOs can submit proposals, as long as the project to be financed would suit to a Project Finance structure.

  • Eligible Entities.

The project can be submitted by a public or private institution, but it has to be structured as a project-finance so the establishment of an SPV will be necessary.

  • Would stand-alone solar home systems with a larger capacity to support income producing activities be an acceptable technology?


  • Is there any specific model or format which proposals must be sent it?

There is no standard outline or model for the presentation of projects, however, as mentioned in the RfP they must be accompanied by Annex 1 of the RFP. 

  • Elegible Countries.

As mentioned in the RfP, all Sub-Saharan African countries are eligible under the context of this PIP.

  • Technology Solutions.

All energy solutions are eligible for this PIP, as long as they meet the condition of being renewable. The sponsor can also present its own technology solution as long as it meet the criterion mentioned earlier. 

  • Are applicants required to be focused on the productive use of energy? Or are residential uses also acceptable?

It will be preferable for a project to include both. By productive uses of energy, we mean not only industrial uses but also the productive use a household can make of it (for example, connecting a sewing machine for professional use). 

  • Financial Conditions.

We cannot provide specific information on the financial conditions of the subordinated debt as it will depend on the specificities of the project. Nevertheless, it will be concessional financing and the tenor should not exceed 15 years, including the grace period.

  • Sponsor's Nationality.

They can be of any nationality. However, as mentioned in the RfP, the SPV has to be incorporated in a jurisdiction eligible for the European Union and Spanish Cooperation.

  • Can the sponsor contribute equity both in cash and in kind? If in-kind contributions are permitted, is there a limit to such contribution?

Yes. As for contributions in kind, they are allowed but must be valued by third parties (for example, by customs declarations if imported or by an auditor). 

  • Progress Indicators

To evaluate the potential impact of the projects submitted, special attention will be paid to the following aspects:

- Decent jobs generated.

- Environmental Impact.

- Health and Safety at Work.

- Contribution to the National Income.

- Contribution to the host country’s income.

- Innovation.

- Coverage of underserved area.

- Contribution to the economic growth of the area.

- Final beneficiaries / people served.

- Gender perspective.

- Inclusion.