COFIDES, FIEX and the State General Reserve Fund are the exclusive investors of the Spain Oman Private Equity Fund, a fund created between Oman and the Spanish public sector that includes an investment of 200 million euro.
This strategic alliance will allow Oman and other countries of interest to benefit from the experience and technological know-how of Spanish companies through the creation of employment, technology transfer and return on investment. It will also provide Spanish companies with a new financing instrument to facilitate expansion abroad, the consolidation and growth of the parent company and contribute to the development of Oman and Spain.
The main target sectors of the fund are building materials, manufacturing, mining, tourism, logistics, health, infrastructure, energy, food and agri-food.
The areas of geographical interest of this instrument are focused primarily on, Oman and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, East Africa (especially Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda and Rwanda), South Asia, (with special focus on India), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam) and Latin America, although the fund may also finance projects in other countries.
The General State Reserve Fund (SGRF), manages the reserves on behalf of the Government of Oman with the aim of achieving the best possible long-term benefits with acceptable risks, by investing in a diversified portfolio of asset classes in more than 40 countries worldwide.
The Spanish company MCH Private Equity Investments, one of the most prestigious national investment management firms in the national venture capital sector was awarded the fund management contract through a competitive process.