ARQUIMEA, a group of technology companies, develops research and development-based solutions and products to improve people’s lives. It engages in business in industries with a large innovative component. Since 2005 the group has focused on aerospace, manufacturing, farming, healthcare and biotechnology, as well as safety and critical infrastructure.

"In COFIDES we have found an important ally for our bond programme. We believe they understand technology as we do, as a driver of societal development and well-being. That inspires us to grow, continue innovating and put forward solutions for today’s complex challenges"

Diego Fernández, ARQUIMEA Chairman.

In 2021 COFIDES became one of the anchor investors for the company’s bond programme launched in the alternative fixed income market to diversify its sources of funding and strengthen growth. COFIDES put EUR 5 million of FIEX funding toward the first (EUR 25 million) bond issue to purchase aerospace companies outside Spain.

"ARQUIMEA has proven able to combine talent and adaptability to position research at the centre of the response to people’s social and environmental needs. It approaches that goal from a number of sectors, with international ambition and environmental sustainability at the core of its business"

Yolanda Gómez de Segura, head of Unit of COFIDES’s Internationalisation Division.

COFIDES deems ARQUIMEA to be in possession of assets that favour the creation and development of advanced companies, most prominently the generation of proprietary technologies and the integration of other companies that share the same objectives and vision.

This project is in line with SDG 8, ‘Decent work and economic growth’, insofar as it favours company growth and consolidation abroad. ARQUIMEA has a total headcount of 500, 200 of whom are engineers.

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sdg 8 cofides